Friday, November 23, 2007

SAP CO Course level

SAP CO Course level :

SAP Level 1:
SAP01/SAP20 SAP Fundamentals

SAP Level 2:
AC040 Business Processes in Controlling (Management Accounting)

SAP Level 3:
AC405 Cost Center and Internal Order Accounting
AC410 Cost Center Accounting
AC412 Cost Center Accounting: Extended Functions
AC415 Overhead Cost Orders
AC420 Activity-Based Costing
AC505 Product Cost Planning
AC510 Cost Object Controlling for Products
AC515 Cost Object Controlling for Sales Orders
AC520 Cost Object Controlling for Make-to-Stock Production and Sales-
Order-Related Production (Service)
AC530 Actual Costing / Material Ledger
AC605 Profitability Analysis
AC610 Profit Center Accounting
AC650 Transfer Prices and Multiple Valuation Approaches
AC660 EC-CS: Consolidation Functions
AC665 EC-CS: Integrated Consolidation
AC680 Analytics & Reporting in Management Accounting

Pusat Studi ERP Indonesia


Thursday, November 01, 2007

IDES Business Game part 1

In the IDES Business Game, we chose to divide the modules in IDES into different player roles. By doing this we hoped that every role will have its own acting character. In IDES, there are thirteen different modules of which we have created six players. When studying the thirteen modules, we found out that three of them did not suit our game or were not interesting enough to work with. The idea is that the group of six players should work as an independent group, and make their decisions independently from the other groups. The data supplied to each of the players come from the same database and
therefore one player's decision will affect the others', as it would in a real company. The modules contained in each role and the details of the roles are presented below.

Player One – Controlling and Enterprise Controlling (CO-EC) In the Business Game, one of the players should control the modules Controlling (CO) and Enterprise Controlling (EC). Both these IDES modules strongly involve economics, therefore it would be a benefit t for the player if he knows the basics in this area. Some knowledge in marketing and sales would also be good. In the game the player will use the Controlling Module for planning, managing and monitoring overhead costs. Since overhead costs cannot be assigned directly to cost objects, they are assigned to the cost centres at which they occurred, or to the jobs that raised them. Having these data, which are in the cost centre, the player can, with the provided tools in IDES, make sure that the data are allocated to the correct source. The player can for example, at the end of a posting period — which will also be a posting period in the game — see whether the planned costs (adjusted to the operating rate) are right compared with the actual costs. Would this not be the case, the player will have to change the data for the next coming posting period. The idea with this is that the player will have to analyze any discrepancies between planned and actual costs that exceed a predefit ned threshold. The player will also work with cost controlling, and solve questions like: Did the company calculate the right price for a product that is manufactured, or a service that is provided? If the company did not, what price should be the right in the future? To get this "right" price the player has been provided with important information for pricing and pricing policies, controlling the cost of goods manufactured, stock evaluation, and profit tability analysis. Another major part in the Controller's role is to work with Profit atability Analysis, which is as the name suggest, analyzing the company's future profit, what it depends on and what parameters are the main reason behind it. To be able to do this the player will get help from a range of on-line, multidimensional reporting tools which gives him key fit gures and numbers. Succeeding With this data and with these queries, the player handling the Controller role will hopefully have an encouraging and educating assignment. How the player succeeds and on which basis this should be measured is not very easy, but it will be calculated with the parameters the player changed during the game session. Hopefully, the player will get the right data from his companions which will make his job a lot easier.

Player Two – Financial accounting (FI) This role focuses at the usage of the modules Financial Accounting and Investments Management. The system of Financial Accounting allows you to collect all the data in your company relevant to accounting, providing complete documentation and comprehensive information. This is a big assignment to handle and, as mentioned before, it requires perhaps more experience than other roles in the game. The module Investment Management offers integrated management and processing of investment measures and projects from planning to settlement. The student or employee assigned to this role will need adequate experience in the accounting area, since this part is the most crucial in this player's role. He or she will have an enormous amount of data and statistics available and needs to be able to point out the most important issues and areas. Since the role also deals with investment management the player should have some experience in analyzing investments and markets, in order to be effective in the game. This role is also crucial for the evaluation of the game, since the evaluation is based on the closure over a given playing time. It is the responsibility of this player to generate a period closure and obtain the relevant information for doing so.


Uppsala University - Uppsala universite (Sweden)

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Belajar SAP FI/CO

Di dunia accounting, systems pelaporan pada dasarnya dibedakan menjadi 2 bagian besar; management accounting dan financial accounting. Dua-dua nya mempunyai objective yang berbeda dan cara pengukuran dan standard yang berbeda.
Management accounting (controlling) itu deal dengan systems performance, pengukuran seberapa efektif suatu systems. Standardnya ditentukan sendiri oleh user, terserah bagaimana user menghitung dan men-set up standardnya, bisa berbeda2 antara satu company dengan company yang lain.

Sedangkan financial accounting, adalah systems pelaporan keuangan yang nantinya akan diberikan kepada pihak ketiga. Kalo di sini, standardnya udah di tentukan, jadi bakalan sama cara penghitungannya di semua company.
Financial accounting sebagai alat komunikasi antar data keuangan/aktivitas perusahaan dengan pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan dengan data-data/aktivitas tersebut. Setiap perusahaan mempunyai Financial report yang bertujuan menyediakan informasi yang menyangkut posisi, keuangan, kinerja serta perubahan posisi keuangan suatu perusahaan yang bermanfaat bagi sejumlah besar pengguna informasi dalam pengambilan keputusan secara ekonomi. Financial report harus disiapkan secara periodik untuk pihak-pihak yang berkepentingan antara lain, masyarakat dan pemerintah, pemasok dan kreditur, pemilik, manajer perusahaan, investor, pelanggan dan karyawan.Kreditur menggunakan data keuangan untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan perusahaan dalam membayar kembali hutang dan bunganya. Pemilik perusahaan menggunakan data keuangan perusahaan untuk menaksir kondisi keuangan perusahaan dan memutuskan apakah sahamnya dijual atau ditahan. Sedangkan manajemen perusahaan memperhatikan dan memenuhi segala peraturan penyusunan laporan keuangan.

Sistem aplikasi SAP terdiri dari sejumlah modul yang terintegrasi penuh, dan menjangkau seluruh aspek dalam manajemen bisnis. Sistem SAP dikembangkan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan yang meningkat dari organisasi komersial maupun non-komersial yang menginginkan tercapainya efektivitas dan efisiensi dalam berorganisasi.

Modul-modul Financial dan Controlling yang terdapat didalam SAP sbb:
1. FI-Financial Accounting, Software bisnis SAP ditujukan untuk menyediakan pengukuran secara kontinu terhadap profitabilitas perusahaan. Modul FI juga mengukur kinerja keuangan perusahaan, berdasarkan pada data transaksi intenal maupun eksternal.Modul FI menyediakan dokumen keuangan yang mampu melacak (mengaudit) setiap angka yang terdapat dalam suatu laporan keuangan hingga ke data transaksi awalnya.
2. CO-Controlling, Fungsi dari modul CO adalah untuk mendukung empat kegiatan operasional: Pengendalian capital investment, Pengendalian aktivitas keuangan perusahaan, memonitor dan merencanakan pembayaran, Pengendalian pendanaan terhadap procurement, pengadaan dan penggunaan dana di setiap area, Pengendalian biaya dan profit berdasarkan semua aktivitas perusahaan
3. IM-Investment Management, Fungsi dari modul IM ini overlapping dengan fungsi yang dijalankan oleh modul TR, namun modul IM lebih spesifik ditujukan untuk menganalisis kebijakan investasi jangka panjang dan fixed assets dari perusahaan dan membantu manajemen dalam membuat keputusan.
4. EC-Enterprise Controlling, Tujuan dari modul EC adalah untuk memberikan akses bagi Enterprise Controller kepada Information Warehouse mengenai hal-hal berikut: Kondisi keuangan perusahaan- Hasil dari perencanaan dan pengendalian perusahaan, Investasi, Maintenance dari aset perusahaan, Akuisisi dan pengembangan SDM perusahaan, Kondisi pasar yang berkaitan dengan pengambilan keputusan, seperti ukuran pasar, market share, competitor performance, Faktor-faktor struktural dari proses bisnis, seperti struktur produksi, struktur biaya, financial accounting dan profitability analysis.
5.TR-Treasury, Modul TR berfungsi untuk mengintegrasikan antara cash management dan cash forecasting dengan aktivitas logistik dan transaksi keuangan.

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What is SAP IDES ?

SAP IDES is a normal R/3 but with lots of DEMO data.

The system that contains several sample companies typifying relevant business processes. It is simple to use and has a variety of master and transaction data, and is used for demos, online/classroom training, and presentations. Potential customers use IDES to trial and test software via Internet.

SAP IDES – the "Internet Demonstration and Evaluation System" in the R/3 System, represents a model company. It consists of an international group with subsidiaries in several countries. IDES contains application data for various business scenarios that can be run in the SAP System. The business processes in the IDES system are designed to reflect real-life business requirements, and have access to many realistic characteristics. IDES uses easy-to-follow business scenarios to show you the comprehensive functions of the R/3 System. The focal point of IDES, however, is not the functionality itself, but the business processes and their integration.

IDES not only covers the Logistics area, but also Financials, and Human Resources. It demonstrates how the R/3 System is able to support practically all types of industries, from discrete production through to process industries, from engineering-to-order to repetitive manufacturing. However, IDES is not a sector-oriented model company. The individual processes are based on practice-oriented data for sectors such as Retailing or Banking. The IDES group manufactures products as diverse as elevators, motorcycles, and paints.

IDES is managed by SAP just as any regular business enterprise. SAP regularly updates the IDES data (master data, transaction data, and customizing). IDES also carry out period-end closing and plan with different time-horizons. Transaction data are generated to ensure that the information systems in all areas have access to realistic evaluation data. IDES are constantly implementing new, interesting business scenarios to highlight the very latest functions available in the R/3 System. New functions are represented and documented by IDES scenarios.

Above all, IDES shows you the possibilities of the integrated applications in the SAP System. IDES cover all aspects of a business enterprise, including Human Resources, Financial Accounting, Product Cost Planning, Overhead Management, Profitability Analysis, Planning, Sales and Distribution, Materials Management, Production, and much, much more. IDES have also integrated document administration and third-party CAD systems within the IDES system. This means that you can call up and display external documents, or access CAD drawings.

IDES shows you how the R/3 System supports production processes, the supply chain, and the efficient usage of global resources. Or perhaps you would like to increase your understanding of just-in-time-production or the integration of the electronic KANBAN system in an MRP II environment? IDES provides the ideal way to learn about areas such as Product Cost Controlling, Activity-Based Costing, or integrated Service Management and Plant Maintenance. How to manage high inflation is just one of the ever-growing number of IDES business scenarios that you can choose from.

Pusat Studi ERP Indonesia


SAP Consultant Certification CO

Certification Test
SAP Consultant Certification Solution Consultant Financials -
Management Accounting with my SAP ERP 2005

* Software components: SAP ERP Central Component 6.0

Number of Questions

180 minutes


* Please note that you are not allowed to use any reference
materials during the certification test (no access to online
documentation or to any SAP system).
* The certification test Solution Consultant Financials -
Management Accounting with my SAP ERP 2005 verifies the knowledge in
the area of the mySAP ERP Financials for the consultant profile
Management Accounting. This certificate proves that the candidate has
a basic understanding within this consultant profile, and can
implement this knowledge practically in projects.

Competency Areas

The following list helps you to identify the competency areas covered
in this test. The percentage indicates the portion of the test
dedicated to a particular competency area.


Material Cost Estimate With Quantity Structure
Analyses and error handling TFIN20 AC505
BOM and task list determination TFIN20 AC505
Cost component split TFIN20 AC505
Costing variant TFIN20 AC505
Create costing run TFIN20 AC505
Overhead costing sheet TFIN20 AC505
Price update TFIN20 AC505
Routing TFIN20 AC505

Cost Center Accounting / Profit Center Accounting
Account assignment help TFIN20 AC405
Accrual calculation TFIN20 AC405
Adjustment postings TFIN20 AC405
Assessment TFIN20 AC405
Direct activity allocation TFIN20 AC405
Distribution TFIN20 AC405
Integrated plan allocation cycle TFIN20 AC405 AC040
Introduction to planning in Management Accounting TFIN20 AC405 AC040
Master data cost elements, cost centers, activity types and stat
TFIN20 AC405
Organizational units TFIN20 AC405 AC040
Periodic reposting TFIN20 AC405 AC040
Planning methods in cost center planning TFIN20 AC405
Profit center assignment TFIN20 AC610
Profit center master data TFIN20 AC610
Reconciliation ledger TFIN20 AC405
Recording primary postings TFIN20 AC405

Cost Object Accounting: Make-to-Stock Production with Periodic C
Decoupling scenarios TFIN22 AC520
Period-end closing for periodic Controlling TFIN22 AC520
Preliminary costing on cost object TFIN22 AC520
Product cost collector TFIN22 AC520
Simultaneous costing on cost object TFIN22 AC520
Cost Object Controlling: Make-to-Stock Production with Order Con
Cost objects with order view TFIN22 AC520
Period-end closing with order Controlling TFIN22 AC520
Preliminary costing of cost objects TFIN22 AC520
Simultaneous costing TFIN22 AC520

Cost Object Controlling: Sales-Order-Related Production
Delivery and billing documents TFIN22 AC520
Period-end closed with product cost by sales order TFIN22 AC520
Preliminary costing of sales order TFIN22 AC520
Sales order as cost object TFIN22 AC520
Simultaneous costing of sales order TFIN22 AC520

Material Cost Estimate Without Quantity Structure
Base object costing and simulation costing TFIN20 AC505
Material master - fields relevant to costing TFIN20 AC505
Multiple-level unit costing TFIN20 AC505
Single-level unit costing TFIN20 AC505

Overhead Cost Orders
Billing for overhead cost orders TFIN20 AC405
Budgeting and availability control TFIN20 AC405
Commitments management TFIN20 AC405
Master data maintenance TFIN20 AC405
Overhead rates on overhead cost orders TFIN20 AC405


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Persamaan dasar akuntansi

Jenis-Jenis Perusahaan
Terdapat 3 jenis perusahaan yang beroperasi untuk menghasilkan laba, yaitu:
1. Perusahaan Manufaktur
Mengubah input dasar menjadi produk yang dijual kepada pelanggan.
Cth : Coca Cola
2. Perusahaan Dagang
Menjual produk kepada pelanggan namun tidak memproduksi barangnya sendiri,
tetapi membeli dari perusahaan lain.
Cth: Wal-Mart, Carrefour
3. Perusahaan Jasa
Menghasilkan jasa untuk pelanggan
Cth. Disney

Persamaan Akuntansi
Aktiva (Assets) = Kewajiban (Liabilities) + Ekuitas Pemilik (Owner’s Equity)
Kumpulan Akun dalam entitas usaha disebut buku besar (ledger). Daftar akun dalam
buku besar disebut bagan akun (Charts Of Account).
Klasifikasi Akun
Aktiva (assets) adalah sumber daya yang dimiliki oleh entitas bisnis atau usaha.
Cth : Kas (Cash), Piutang Usaha (Account Receivable), Perlengkapan (Supplies), Beban
dibayar dimuka (Prepaid Expenses) seperti asuransi, bangunan (Building), Peralatan
(Equipment), Tanah (Land), dan Hak Paten.
Kewajiban, adalah utang kepada pihak luar (kreditor).
Contoh :Utang usaha, Wesel bayar, utang gaji, pendapatan diterima dimuka (unearned
revenue) yaitu pendapatan yang sudah diterima tetapi jasa belum diberikan sehingga
mengakibatkan kewajiban kepada pembeli. Contoh : Uang kuliah yang diterima oleh
perguruan tinggi pada awal semester
Ekuitas Pemilik, adalah hak pemilik terhadap aktiva bisnis
Pendapatan adalah peningkatan ekuitas pemilik yang diakibatkan oleh proses penjualan
barang atau jasa kepada pembeli.

Beban, adalah biaya yang sudah habis manfaatnya, atau aktiva atau jasa yang digunakan
dalam proses menghasilkan pendapatan.

Cth Bagan Akun (Charts Of Accounts)

Akun Neraca ( Balance Sheet)

1. Aktiva
1.1 Kas (Cash)
1.2 Piutang Usaha (Account Receivables)
1.3 Perlengkapan (Supplies)
1.4 Asuransi Dibayar dimuka (Prepaid Insurance)
1.5 Tanah (Land)
1.6 Peralatan Kantor (Office Equipment)
2. Kewajiban (Liabilities)
2.1 Utang Usaha (Account Payable)
2.2 Wesel Bayar (Notes Payable)
2.3 Hutang Pajak (Tax Payable)
2.4 Pendapatan Diterima dimuka (Unearned Revenue)
3. Ekuitas Pemilik
3.1 Modal Pemilik (Owner’s Equity)
3.2 Penarikan Oleh Pemilik (Prive)

Akun Laba-Rugi
4. Pendapatan
4.1 Pendapatan Jasa
5. Beban
5.1 Beban Upah ( Salary Expense)
5.2 Beban Sewa ( Rent Expense)
5.3 Beban Lain-Lain (Other Expense)


SAP FI Course level

SAP FI Course level :

Level 1:
SAP01/SAP20 SAP Fundamentals

SAP Level 2:
AC010 Business Processes in Financial Accounting

SAP Level 3:
AC200 Accounting Customizing I
AC201 Payment and Dunning Program
AC202 Accounting Customizing II
AC205 Financial Closing
AC206 Parallel Valuation & Financial Reporting
AC210 New General Ledger
AC212 Migration to the New General Ledger
AC220 Special Ledger
AC280 Analytics Reporting in Financial Accounting
AC305 Asset Accounting
AC665 EC-CS: Integration
AC660 EC-CS: Consolidations Functions
AC665 EC-CS: Integration
AC805 Cash Management


Proses akuntansi dalam satu siklus

Informasi akuntansi dihasilkan melalui proses akuntansi.
Proses akuntansi dalam satu siklus meliputi langkah-langkah sebagai
berikut :

Langkah 1 Mengidentifikasi Transaksi atau Kejadian untuk dicatat
Tujuan: untuk mendapatkan informasi, biasanya dalam bentuk dokumen
sumber mengenai transaksi atau kejadian.

Langkah 2 Menjurnal Transaksi dan Kejadian
Tujuan: untuk mengidentifikasi, menilai, dan mencatat dampak ekonomi
dari transaksi terhadap perusahaan secara kronologis, untuk
mempermudah pemindahan ke dalam akun.

Langkah 3 Memposting dari Jurnal ke Buku Besar

Tujuan untuk memindahkan informasi dari jurnal ke buku besar yang
berfungsi menyimpan akun

Langkah 4 Mempersiapkan Neraca Saldo yang Belum Disesuaikan
Tujuan untuk memberikan daftar yang memudahkan dalam pengecekan
keseimbangan debet dan kredit serta memberikan titik awal dalam
membuat jurnal penyesuaian.

Langkah 5 Menjurnal dan memposting ayat jurnal penyesuaian.
Tujuan untuk mencatat akrual, jatuh tempo deferral, estimasi, dan
kejadian lainnya yang tidak disertai dengan dokumen sumber baru.

Langkah 6 Menyusun Neraca Saldo yang disesuaikan
Tujuan untuk mencocokkan keseimbangan debet dan kredit dan untuk
mempermudah penyusunan laporan keuangan.

Langkah 7 Membuat Laporan Keuangan
Tujuan untuk memberikan informasi yang berguna bagi pengambilan
keputusan eksternal

Komponen Laporan Keuangan
1. Laporan Laba-Rugi
2. Laporan Perubahan Ekuitas
3. Neraca
4. Laporan Arus Kas
5. Catatan Atas Laporan Keuangan.

Langkah 8 Menjurnal dan memposting ayat jurnal penutup
Tujuan untuk menutup akun sementara atau yang disebut juga akun
nominal (akun yang terdapat dalam laporan laba-rugi ) dan memindahkan
jumlah laba bersih ke laba ditahan. Cth akun pendapatan dan beban.

Langkah 9 Menyusun Neraca Saldo Setelah Penutupan
Tujuan untuk memeriksa keseimbangan debet kredit setelah ayat jurnal

Langkah 10 Menjurnal dan memposting ayat jurnal pembalik
Tujuan untuk mempermudah pembuatan ayat jurnal berikutnya (ini adalah
opsional artinya boleh dilakukan dan boleh tidak)

Accounting Process WO (Work Order)

Process accounting WO (Work Order) (Produksi) :

1. Material Usage/Component Issue

Cr. Inventory ####
Dr. WIP ####

2. Operation/produksi

Cr. Labor ####
Cr. O/H ####
Dr. WIP ####

3. Work Order receipt

Cr. WIP ###
Dr. Inventory SFG/FG ####

Catatan : WIP (Work in process)
O/H (Overhead)

Pusat Studi ERP Indonesia

Accounting Process PO Receive

PO Receive Accounting ditambah account price variance dan VAT(tax)
sbb :

1.Masuk ke Inventory
Dr Inventory 200
Dr Price Variance 10
Cr AP Clearing 210

2.Invoice Receive
Dr AP Clearing 210
Dr VAT(tax) 31.05
Cr AP 241.05

3.Payment AP Post
Dr AP 241.50
Cr Cash 241.50

Catatan :
- Standard price : 1 US$/unit
- Order: 200 unit dengan actual price 1.05 US$/unit
- Receivings: 200 unit
- VAT (15%)

Pusat Studi ERP Indonesia


SAP Consultant Certification FI

Certification Test
SAP Consultant Certification Solution Consultant Financials -
Financial Accounting with mySAP ERP 2005

* Software components: SAP ERP Central Component 6.0

Number of Questions

180 minutes


* Please note that you are not allowed to use any reference
materials during the certification test (no access to online
documentation or to any SAP system).
* The certification test Solution Consultant Financials -
Financial Accounting with mySAP ERP 2005 verifies the knowledge in the
area of mySAP ERP Financials for the consultant profile Financial
Accounting. This certificate proves that the candidate has a basic
understanding within this consultant profile, and can implement this
knowledge practically in projects.

Competency Areas

The following list helps you to identify the competency areas covered
in this test. The percentage indicates the portion of the test
dedicated to a particular competency area.


-Asset Accounting (AC305)
-Closing Operations in Financial Accounting (AC205)
-Document and Posting Control (Ac200)
-Evaluation Options in Reporting (AC280)
-Financial Accounting Master Data (AC200)
-Payment Program, Dunning Program, Correspondence, Interest Calcu (AC201))
-SAP Overview (ERP020)
-SAP Solution Manager (SM01)
-Special General Ledger Transactions, Document Parking, Substitut(AC202)
-The New General Ledger(AC210)


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Belajar Akuntansi dasar

Persamaan dasar akuntansi
Aktiva = Hutang + Modal

Saldo Normal Akun, Kenaikan, Penurunan

Akun Neraca
Aktiva, Debit, Kredit
Kewajiban, Kredit, Debit

Ekuitas Pemilik
Modal, Kredit, Debit
Penarikan/Prive, Debit, Kredit

Akun Laporan Laba-Rugi
Pendapatan, Kredit, Debit
Beban, Debit, Kredit



How to became FI/CO Consultant

How to became FI/CO Consultant Expert in 3 months

Banyak yang bertanya, berapa lama untuk menjadi consultant expert,
selalu saya bilang antara 3 sampai 6 bulan apabila anda punya
kesempatan dan kemauan.
saya ambil contoh, kenapa perusahaan menetapkan masa percobaan
selama 3 bulan? dan semua karyawan baru pasti akan berusaha segiat-
giatnya untuk bisa lolos masa 3 bulan tersebut. Kalau dalam 3 bulan
kok masih belum ngerti juga, berarti memang kesempatan yang
diberikan salah orang. :)
tapi kalau terlihat ada progress, maka biasanya di perpanjang sampai
6 bulan. Jadi inget dulu waktu pertama kali kerja di Starko, masa
percobaan sudah lewat tapi surat pengangkatan tak kunjung turun,
ternyata saya dalam 3 bulan pertama menjadi karyawan telaDan dan
juga menjadi karyawan telaTan :)

Kesempatan itu ada dua sementara kemauan cuma ada satu. kesempatan
mendapatkan ilmu dan kesempatan mengaplikasikannya. sedangkan
kemauan yah cuma kemauan untuk belajar. saya belum temuin orang yang
ngga punya kemauan untuk mengaplikasikan ilmunya alias mau

Nah, bagaimana untuk menjadi FI-CO COnsultant Expert dalam 3 bulan.
Berikut ini langkah-langkah yang harus ditempuh untuk dapat menjadi
FI-CO Consultant Expert

Month 1
Step 1 : Watch SAP Computer Based Training Video SAP
System Management - System Administration Basic & SAP System
Management - System Administration Basic Advanced User + CCMS
Step 2 : Study And Practice The Training Manual (9 set)
Step 3 : Watch SAP Computer Based Training Video Shipping
Clerk, SOP and Structure OP
Step 4 : Study And Practice The Training Manual AA, AP,

Month 2
Step 5 : Walk Through SAP Q&A Material
Step 6 : Browse Configuration Quick Notes
Step 7 : Study The SAP Real-Life Blueprint Documentation
(AA, AP, AR, CO dan GL)

Month 3
Step 8 : Study The FI/CO Popular Interview Questions And
Step 9 : Tips To Behave Like An Experienced Consultant In
The Job With Other Consultants
Step 10 : Repeat All The Above Steps For Once
Step 11 : Now Consider Yourself As An Experienced SAP
Consultant And Start Applying For A SAP Job Using Our SAP FI/CO
Sample Resume!

Jadi, jangan lewatkan kesempatan emas untuk register "Watch SAP
Computer Based Training Video SAP System Management - System
Administration Basic & SAP System Management - System Administration
Basic" pada hari Jumat ini, karena itu Step 1 untuk menjadi Expert
di module SAP apa saja.

Nah, kemarin ada yang merasa dirinya "belum apa-apa", nih saya kasih
kisi-kisi Step 9... dua saja yah ..yang ada relevansinya dengan
tulisan saya ini.

"If you are struggling in FI module in front of others just tell
them you have been so busy with CO module for quite sometime that
you forget some of the FI module functions. If you are struggling in
CO module instead, tell them the other way around. This is a very
valid reason in SAP workplace which are even used by senior

"Talk about the limitations on previous versions of SAP like 4.6c
and 3.0. This will give an impression that you have been in the
industry for quite sometime working with older versions of SAP. One
popular limitation in 3.0 is the menu style which is not the tree
view. It is like the conventional menu which appears on top of the

Nah sekarang kesempatan pertama sudah ada di depan mata, tinggal
kemauan anda untuk mau belajar yang harus di "cari".


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Buku Tamu

Selamat Datang di Saran dan kritik silakan dituliskan di buku tamu ini.

Contact Person:
Muhamad Syarwani


About Us

Kami sediakan Blog ini untuk pengembangan/peningkatan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) Indonesia khususnya dibidang Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Financial and Management Accounting (Controlling).
Mahalnya biaya yang harus dikeluarkan untuk mendapatkan pengetahuan tentang modul SAP FI-CO ini membuat kami tergerak untuk membuat Blog ini. Kami harap blog ini dapat bermanfaat bagi banyak orang. Terima kasih.

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