Thursday, November 01, 2007

IDES Business Game part 1

In the IDES Business Game, we chose to divide the modules in IDES into different player roles. By doing this we hoped that every role will have its own acting character. In IDES, there are thirteen different modules of which we have created six players. When studying the thirteen modules, we found out that three of them did not suit our game or were not interesting enough to work with. The idea is that the group of six players should work as an independent group, and make their decisions independently from the other groups. The data supplied to each of the players come from the same database and
therefore one player's decision will affect the others', as it would in a real company. The modules contained in each role and the details of the roles are presented below.

Player One – Controlling and Enterprise Controlling (CO-EC) In the Business Game, one of the players should control the modules Controlling (CO) and Enterprise Controlling (EC). Both these IDES modules strongly involve economics, therefore it would be a benefit t for the player if he knows the basics in this area. Some knowledge in marketing and sales would also be good. In the game the player will use the Controlling Module for planning, managing and monitoring overhead costs. Since overhead costs cannot be assigned directly to cost objects, they are assigned to the cost centres at which they occurred, or to the jobs that raised them. Having these data, which are in the cost centre, the player can, with the provided tools in IDES, make sure that the data are allocated to the correct source. The player can for example, at the end of a posting period — which will also be a posting period in the game — see whether the planned costs (adjusted to the operating rate) are right compared with the actual costs. Would this not be the case, the player will have to change the data for the next coming posting period. The idea with this is that the player will have to analyze any discrepancies between planned and actual costs that exceed a predefit ned threshold. The player will also work with cost controlling, and solve questions like: Did the company calculate the right price for a product that is manufactured, or a service that is provided? If the company did not, what price should be the right in the future? To get this "right" price the player has been provided with important information for pricing and pricing policies, controlling the cost of goods manufactured, stock evaluation, and profit tability analysis. Another major part in the Controller's role is to work with Profit atability Analysis, which is as the name suggest, analyzing the company's future profit, what it depends on and what parameters are the main reason behind it. To be able to do this the player will get help from a range of on-line, multidimensional reporting tools which gives him key fit gures and numbers. Succeeding With this data and with these queries, the player handling the Controller role will hopefully have an encouraging and educating assignment. How the player succeeds and on which basis this should be measured is not very easy, but it will be calculated with the parameters the player changed during the game session. Hopefully, the player will get the right data from his companions which will make his job a lot easier.

Player Two – Financial accounting (FI) This role focuses at the usage of the modules Financial Accounting and Investments Management. The system of Financial Accounting allows you to collect all the data in your company relevant to accounting, providing complete documentation and comprehensive information. This is a big assignment to handle and, as mentioned before, it requires perhaps more experience than other roles in the game. The module Investment Management offers integrated management and processing of investment measures and projects from planning to settlement. The student or employee assigned to this role will need adequate experience in the accounting area, since this part is the most crucial in this player's role. He or she will have an enormous amount of data and statistics available and needs to be able to point out the most important issues and areas. Since the role also deals with investment management the player should have some experience in analyzing investments and markets, in order to be effective in the game. This role is also crucial for the evaluation of the game, since the evaluation is based on the closure over a given playing time. It is the responsibility of this player to generate a period closure and obtain the relevant information for doing so.


Uppsala University - Uppsala universite (Sweden)

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